Gah workouts failing

Family obligations have meant the workouts have been slipping of late. THen round to todays workout and I was feeling a little under the weather so didn’t get to far into the workout before being gassed and calling it quits,

I am hoping a day of rest will mean I can come out of the gate hard and fast tomorrow and really push it during plyo. So prepare for the update tomorrow


Well unfortunately I didnt get round to updating the blog on a daily basis the past few days.

So how has the week gone so far.

Well onto Phase II so I am experiencing new workouts and WOW! they are a killer!.

The first workout was a mix of press ups, shoulder exercises and triceps. Now this workout is a killer it might have something to do with the one handed press ups! This workout is doing to take some definite work.

Then it was a revisit to Plyo, so I pushed as hard as possible on this workout seen as its my 5th visit. I had told myself due to this I would skip the bonus round, however when it came round I dug deep and blasted the bonus round.

So onto todays workout, this really is a Bicep isolation workout, wow was I pumped. However due to the level of pull ups and isolation I was flagging. I was failing on even 1 pull up late in the exercise and couldn’t even mange the last bicep isolation exercise.

So by the time I arrived at Ab Ripper i was totally worn out so decided to give that workout a miss. I felt a little bad for that so will work harder next time.

slap chop

Todays workouts went reasonably well, I managed to power through including the bonus round. I did however miss a few reps of 2 exercises due to fatiguing.

I am certainly looking forward to the end of P90X simply to see if I can run through all the videos and beat Tony and Co’s numbers. I can already match them on a number of exercises, but I hope to be beating them all the way through the video by the end.

Running man

Not much to update today as I skipped the workout. Instead I went for a killer run with another workout buddy and boy did it tire me out, so I decided the best thing to do was rest the shins!!!

Another double dip day!

Today started out with an incredibly high pace run. My training partner has been out of the game for a while so we decided to take the splits down to 1 minute. This allowed for me to set an incredibly fast pace and allow my training partner to really push it.

Todays workout was X Stretch, perhaps the most boring of the workouts I didn’t even build up a good sweat! It does however again highlight how inflexible I am, damn my tight muscles.

Karate Kid

Another session of Kenpo down, not sure how many left to go.

This workout is starting to become a little easy and i M going to have to fight to keep the intensity increasing. I am usually fatiguing in the penultimate round but find there simply isn’t enough movement to constantly tire me out.

During all the breaks I follow along with Tony and run on the spot and do the jumping jacks but I feel this workout could still do with a little more. I am confident by the end of the P90X system this workout will be a stroll in the park.

2 Workouts 1 day!

Today was the first dual workout day a run in the morning rest for over an hour then the workout.

So how did the run go? I felt strong all the way through however I pushed my training partner far to hard and it resulted in us having to walk back. The plan for the next run is to take it far easier so we can add a little distance.

Then onto Core Synergetic’s, I loved this workout and it made me work up a killer sweat! I am definitely going to be able to push this workout harder and harder as P90X goes on.

I was sweating so heavily by the end I think i will have to reassess my workout wear! Going shirtless is just making me slip around on the matte. So from now on its going to be under armour!


More Yoga again today and I performed better than usual, I am far more flexible in all the Warrior stance. Overall though I still have a long way to go with Yoga, I mean I still cant tough my toes!

It was also difficult to get into the swing of the action today as I was interrupted by a few essential phone calls. A new job has to come before Yoga after all.

My balance is also improving steadily and I am nearly able to sustain the Tree pose for a minute. Hopefully by next month I should be able to hold my own in a Yoga session.

Tomorrow I shall also be starting to run as well as the P90X program so I will update how much it fatigues me.

Keeping on top

As the job search continues I have decided to add a new string to my bow and pick up a programming language.

Programming has always been an interest of mine but something I just never seemed to have the time to really dig my teeth into. I can of course write simple scripts and put together simplistic applications but I am after a deeper understanding. I am looking forward to increasing my analytical and mathematical knowledge as I progress through my learning.

Also as a but of a bonus an old friend has also decided to join in on the learning experience so we have scheduled some virtual meetings 3 times a week. So through the use of VOIP, screen sharing and webcams we are managing to create a virtual office and work through problems together.

Its a fabulous learning experience and what I would definitely choose to use in the future.

Kick, Punch, Kick

Another round of Kenpo and this time I went hard in the initial rounds. I was fatiguing by the time I was round at high block punch. After taking it steady during that round I was able to become more composed and really attack the rest of the workout.

Todays workout signalled the end of the 3 week routine and now onto the rest session to run out the fat shredder phase. I have certainly gained muscle mass but burnt nowhere near as much fat as I would like. Due to this I intend on starting to run next week to increase the calorie burn.

Hopefully this will pay off with a better physique by the end of the 90 days.