
Well unfortunately I didnt get round to updating the blog on a daily basis the past few days.

So how has the week gone so far.

Well onto Phase II so I am experiencing new workouts and WOW! they are a killer!.

The first workout was a mix of press ups, shoulder exercises and triceps. Now this workout is a killer it might have something to do with the one handed press ups! This workout is doing to take some definite work.

Then it was a revisit to Plyo, so I pushed as hard as possible on this workout seen as its my 5th visit. I had told myself due to this I would skip the bonus round, however when it came round I dug deep and blasted the bonus round.

So onto todays workout, this really is a Bicep isolation workout, wow was I pumped. However due to the level of pull ups and isolation I was flagging. I was failing on even 1 pull up late in the exercise and couldn’t even mange the last bicep isolation exercise.

So by the time I arrived at Ab Ripper i was totally worn out so decided to give that workout a miss. I felt a little bad for that so will work harder next time.

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