Man of Steel Award

Last week I was invited to attend the Sheffield Half Marathon awards night. I went along with the charity I had been working with and clapped as everyone received their awards. Then it came time to present the Man of Steel Award, rather surprisingly I was awarded this along with my fellow runners Simon and Charlie.

This award came as a real surprise as even though I ran further than a half marathon on the day I didn’t complete the intended distance. The night before I was dreadfully ill and was shaking all through the night, I was tempted to call the attempt off, but I told myself if I can stand in the morning I will give it a shot. I was able to stand in the morning so I went out and attempted it. Due to illness though I only achieved 15 miles on the day, but that still stands as the further I have ever run while ill! It did also take nearly 3 months till I was well again, so it wasn’t just the sniffles. I was very ill.

The award really does mean a lot I think because I have an affinity for the city and Sheffield is nicknamed the city of steel! So I truly will treasure the award.

2012 has been a strange year overall, I had intended it to be the year I qualified for some major events in 2012 but so many things have held back my training. Multiple surgeries, guide dog training, illness, university timetable shift and my treadmill breaking!

So instead of a year of amazing running challenges it has been a quite running year, it has however been a year of received many rewards. Carrying the torch, my TV commercial airing, man of steel award all thanks to achievements I completed in 2011. I am now hoping 2012 is back on track though. The training is beginning to ramp up again thanks in part to a new treadmill. So I should be fit and ready for many events in 2013.

A quick note on training. I have been having some serious mishaps while out running recently. Running into lots of random objects and trees. I don’t think its a case of losing my running technique more a case of a sudden surge in obstacles in my path. From road cones to road kill many things have been run into or stood on recently!

The new treadmill is installed and running now though, so I can finally run my complete training schedule and fit it in around university. So I should definitely be fit for NYC in a few weeks!

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