weekend shopping

this weekend as ever proved to be an expensive one. it started out with a trip to the hairdressers to have my hair coloured by the lovely sue. i decided to take my PSP along to keep me occupied while i waited for the bleach and tints to work their magic.

£26 later it was time to head to playtime to talk to stew, after some chit chat about the PSP i started sampling some of the games they had in, £37.99 down on hot shots golf.

sunday arrives and time to meet neil for breakfast, we stroll by HMV and i am drawn in and end up buying my first single for 12 years!

on the way back to mine we decided to nip to ASDA to pick up a few supplies for my party next weekend.

1x 70cl russian vodka
1x 1.5L cheap shit vodka
8x 2L diet coke
3x 2L lime + coke
12x 1L pure orange
6x 1L cranberry juice
6x 1L apple juice
6x white zinfandel

and thats about it for this weekend gonna try to keep spending to a minimum over the next week!

price: £131.21
available: various outlets!

2 thoughts on “weekend shopping

  1. well i payed £10 the previous week to have the cut, £26 is colour alone and then another £10 to style for my bday

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