Up & Running To The Rescue


After a bit of a disaster in the pacer department I had been left with no pacers and no support team. With 9 weeks left till the run (eep!) and no pacers I was starting to get a little worried.

I was trying to stay positive and hoped somehow pacers/guides would appear. I had been proactive and contacted local running clubs, local stores and even put up posters in the local area. This resulted in 0 responses. I was a little deflated and unsure where to turn to next.

In the past few weeks I had added Up and Running on twitter, who are a UK wide running store. I am always impressed when brands and stores engage with the community. I had sent a few messages their way commenting on a few things, I then decided to ask if I could place a poster in some of their stores.

They agreed so I whipped up a little writeup in Word and sent it off. Going totally above and beyond Up and Running decided to turn it into a poster and display it nationwide!

I am incredibly happy that such a big store was willing to take my request on board and really run with it. The response already has been fantastic, some people local to the run have got in touch and offered their services.

I am in awe of Up and Running, taking a customers request to this level is amazing. If you live in the UK and they are not your local supplier maybe its time for a change! they have stores nationwide so should be one local to you!

I have included the poster they created below and I cant wait to visit in store! Will be popping over to the Sheffield branch this weekend.


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