TV Stars

On the way down John Muir trail yesterday we bumped into a rather nice american hiker. We spoke for a while and he mentioned a few things we should really do while at Yosemite.

Taking his advice we rode the green dragon today, which is basically a flat bed truck with seats which tours the Yosemite valley. We arrived a little later than we would of liked so we could only get a ride on the 11am tour.

So we arrived at 11am to see a TV crew interviewing people about the new hybrid vehicles the green dragon uses. Sian and myself were interviewed and rather uncharacteristically Sian did all the talking! After the interview we became part of the ribbon cutting ceremony as well.

The tour itself was fantastic and gives a brilliant view of the valley itself. Would highly recommend it if anyone is visiting. Again Sian will be uploading photos from the tour.

Oh last night we also went to a brilliant diner called “Happy Burger Diner” it was a total locals joint. The waiting staff knew everyone by name and the food was fantastic. I will tweet pics!

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