Round and round

Well onto week 2 of the workout so the cycle begins again. Today was another torturous adventure into pull-ups and press-ups.

I managed to prepare for the workout by having a terrible nights sleep and being incredibly dehydrated.

The workout began and I consistently beat every number of reps I had managed to achieve the previous week. Delighted and nauseous I began the Ab Ripper. THis is where it all fell apart.

I made it just past halfway through the Ab Ripper and that was it nothing at all left in the tank. I laid on the floor for a few minutes exhausted and managed to muster enough strength to make it to the kitchen.

Kneeling on the floor with barely enough energy to mix my energy drink with water dripping down the kitchen sides I manages to add the powder and all the water.

so laid out on the kitchen floor attempting to mix up my drink with the little energy I had I was sat there wondering why I push myself this hard. After collapsing in the corner and not being able to bring myself to drink the odd tasting orange drink I snapped it together. Downed the drink in one, threw the mixer into the sink and went and collapsed on the sofa.

Here is to hoping I get a better nights sleep and achieve far better at tomorrows workout.

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