The Ups and Downs of Running

Overcoming my recent injury has been incredibly difficult, the levels of fatigue seem new and unkown. In recent memory I was able to get up early on a Sunday and do a leisurely 7 miles. This Sunday the best I could achieve was 3.15.

On Saturday night I became a little bored and decided to run some sprints. So I headed down to the local football pitches and ran lengths. I would run a length than walk the distance back and repeat, in total I covered a little over a mile. Pushing the limits of speed felt great as I was running double my usual pace.

As the rain began to pour traction was rapidly decreasing so I headed home. Waking up in the morning I was *sore* determined to complete my sunday distance run, we headed out. I realised I was in trouble when a the throbbing in my thighs began within the first 10m. Last nights sprints had broken me. I dug deep and managed a few meagre miles at a 10:00 pave before phone for the cavalry.

Lesson well and truly learnt, do not sprint in the late evening!

2 thoughts on “The Ups and Downs of Running

  1. I usually run in the morning. A few nights ago I had the urge to run in the evening. Yes, lesson learned, indeed. I’ve been so so sore for days!

    (leisurely 7 miles!?! in my dreams!!)

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