The past few weeks have presented numerous challenges. The combination of parenthood, college and running has made excellent time management essential.
Grayson is growing at a furious rate and is changing by the day. Sian is having great fun dressing him in cute little outfits and subjecting him to photo shoots. I am sure they are all available over at her site.
College has been draining these past few weeks, with numerous assignments and the dreaded personal statement to complete. The assignments have been flowing out without a hitch; the personal statement however is a different story. Attempting to mention being blind and making it sound anything but negative is a real challenge. I have gone through many iterations and I am yet to arrive at something that strikes a careful balance.
Running however is a true escapism right now. The miles are steadily building with me racking up a few half marathons in the past couple of weeks. Within a month I will hopefully be running marathon distance on the weekends.
With these recent challenges beginning to become manageable I hope to be updating the blog on a regular basis. I promised myself when I started blogging a few months ago I would make sure it was a regular occurrence; so I am determined to get back into the swing of things.