Using capslock as screen reader key on Parallels

The caps lock key is often used across multiple operating systems to trigger screen reader functionality. This can become an issue when running multiple operating systems under Parallels. Typically, I have re-mapped a key to act as the screen reader key under Parallels, this works but it has two main issues: I lose a key and I have to perform some ridiculous finger gymnastics for keyboard shortcuts.

I wanted a far more refined solution. Ideally the caps lock key would automatically identify which operating systems windows was currently selected and trigger the appropriate screen reader. The great news is I finally have this working. There are a few steps to make sure it will all work smoothly.


  1. Windows installed through parallels and running in Coherence mode

  2. NVDA installed with insert as one of the trigger keys

  3. Install Karabiner-Elements

  4. Download this extract the JSON

5. Copy the JSON file from above into the following folder: ~/.config/karabiner/assets/complex_modifications

  1. Activate the complex modification from above in Karabiner-Elements

Now when switching between apps running in coherence mode in windows and your native MacOS applications, the caps lock key will trigger the appropriate screenreader.

I run a whole host of other keyboard modifications that I will post in future, so keep an eye out on the blog.

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