- @CorNEILiuZ buy her a nice case for it, leave it a week then swap yours out she will never know! in reply to CorNEILiuZ #
- @CorNEILiuZ sit her down explain how you feel you would get more out of the 3GS and how you believe you should get to use it in reply to CorNEILiuZ #
- @cun probably something to do with only sleeping for 4 hours last night! in reply to cun #
- responsibility matrix i must master and memorise you! #
- @strawberrykitty can you not find an online flash based one in reply to strawberrykitty #
- Workout then more PRINCE2 study #
- @kieran_delaney that option aint turned on by default http://www.jim42.com/archives/23 in reply to kieran_delaney #
- @kieran_delaney ive used macs longer than that and never noticed! i must be addicted to my mouse, i have got EVERYTHING bound to it though in reply to kieran_delaney #
- @kieran_delaney the odd thing is i do everything on windows with the keyboard! in reply to kieran_delaney #
- Burnt out. no more study for today will pick it up again tomorrow #
- @EMudd it's a real slog cramming this much hope it all goes well in reply to EMudd #
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