- @GymJunkies couchjunkie to gymjunkie! in reply to GymJunkies #
- @EMudd you need us to bring anything tomorrow night? in reply to EMudd #
- @portableterror damn i was sure the one on the left looked the most fishy in reply to portableterror #
- sometimes showering after a workout feels like such a chore #
- @doktorrob if they can achieve the 2Mb promise they made i might believe it and not begrudge paying in reply to doktorrob #
- @doktorrob didnt the government already promise everyone would receive a minimum of 2Mb and we are yet to achieve that in reply to doktorrob #
- Epic race on forza came down to last corner! Fingers now killing #
- looking forward to tonight's workout might even be able to sneak in a run #
- @strawberrykitty looks what i just stumbled upon http://bit.ly/cwpyK #
- @CorNEILiuZ all the atmosphere so the air and so on in reply to CorNEILiuZ #
- @CorNEILiuZ they are a brilliant idea for areas with no power in reply to CorNEILiuZ #
- Pixar give dying girl her wish http://bit.ly/5NMvY #
- The patient taking pics of me in the MRI centre is worrying me a little #
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