Well yesterday was another plyo day as usual the lactic acid build up in my quads hits me hard and I am moving onto the squat subs by round 2. However I am managing the rest of the workout now and subbing far less.
This workout really does build up a sweat, I can feel it dripping down onto my hands as I do the more vigorous moves!
Today was the glamour workout, pumping those shoulders, biceps and triceps. Moving into the 3rd round my left bicep was shot and beginning to feel a little numb. This workout certainly pumps you like no other. I manage to maintain form to a higher standard than previous attempts and kept all my weights consistent with last week.
The Ab Ripper is still the show stopper, I am not hitting the required 25 reps on about 4 of the exercises. Every time Tony announces its time for Pfifer Scissors I begin to curse his name!
Oh I did manage to post the same numbers as tony and his crew on both the tricep dips and the tricep press ups today!