Day 3


Breakfast – .5 pitta bread, 2 eggs, 2oz cheese, 1oz ham, 1 apple
lunch – 4.5oz deli meat, 2oz cheese, 2 slices of bread, 1 apple
snack – 4oz yogurt + pecans
dinner – .5 pitta bread, 2 eggs, 2oz cheese, 1oz ham

i did a cheeky weigh in this morning but im not going to log it quite yet as i want to go for one weigh in every 7 days!

no sense of bloating today, so could of just been a reaction to the new diet.

I ate real light today as time was a bit of an issue, i also went out to celebrate dave’s birthday and sat in the restaurant watching everybody else eat while i sipped water. FUN! FUN! FUN!

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